

to the Virgin Mary
Undoer of Knots. Infallible
Novena, a 40 pages
prayers booklet rich
in prayers and pictures,
which helps to fortify
your faith in Blessed
Mary and Jesus Christ.
Price $ 4.00
beautiful Rosary is
made exclusively for
Mary Undoer of Knots
and displays Our Blessed
Mother’s picture
in the center piece.
The Rosary is made with
red wood and the beads
are held by a delicate
Price $ 5.00

This Chaplet of Our Lady Undoer of Knots extends the Novena by offering additional powerful prayers to both nourish and strengthen your faith that the knots of your life will be undone by Our Lady.
An explanatory pamphlet on how to pray the Chaplet is included.
Rich medal measuring 1.5" inches height.
Price $ 12.00
Keep this beautiful Prayer Card with you all times.
Prayer to Our Lady Undoer of Knots on the back.
Card measures approximately 2" X 3 1/4"
Price $ 2.10

delicate it is this
sweet medal. It is just
3/4" high (2 cm)
and the golden frame
holds the image of Our
Lady Undoer of Knots.
To be used with a chain
(chain not included).
Price $ 2.00
This beautiful medal is 1" inch height and is made of sterling silver 925.
It has the image of Our Lady Undoer of Knots on it.(Chain not included).
Price $ 35.00
Rich in details, this plaque has golden traces on Our Lady's mantle and very well adorned borders.
Large - Size 9.5" x 6.5"
Price: $ 21.00
Sticker : You can place it in your car, notebook, window, etc.
Price $ 2.20

and unique 925 silver
ring showing the entangled
knots of your life being
undone by Mary's interceding
grace. This ring will
constantly remind you
of the alliance between
you and Mary. She wants
to grant you the graces
you are asking Her if
you strive to change
your life.
$ 35.00

Adorable pin with the image of Our Lady, Cross and a decade.
$ 4.50
Delicate red wood Scapular with images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and Our Lady Undoer of Knots.
$ 3.00

Magnet: Golden frame measuring 2" inches high, holds the image of Our Lady.
$ 5.50

Magnet with full picture of Our Lady Undoer of Knots, protected by clear and shine resin.
Size 3” x 2”
$ 8.50

Mary, Take Over!
Through amazing testimonies
you will learn to say "Mary
Take Over" and will experience
what happens when you call
for the Mother of God to help
you to solve your own problems.
100 pages.
Price: $13.00

Glorious Meeting
Discover how to ask and how
to receive from God, so that
He can write your story and
help you to find the spouse
that you are looking for.
Price: $13.00

Book: The Power of Our Lady Undoer Of Knots
In this book, find who can help you to undo the knots of your life, and see
beautiful histories about what happens in the life of whom permit that "Our
Lady Undoer of Knots" guide their path.
250 pages.
Price: $25.00
