is Lo Tedhal?
LO TEDHAL is a Therapy Center for Pain Control
and Palliative Care. The main objective of wich
is to offer pain relief, comfort, quality of life
and dignity at death to terminally ill patients
whose disease has no cure; and also to give support
to the patient’s families.
means, "Do not be afraid"
(in Aramaic, which is the language of
This humanitarian
center will be the first one of this nature in
Brazil specialy built for that kind of sufferer.
It will act as an extension of the patient’s
home, where he/she will receive not only the relief
of physical pain but also psychological and spiritual
The specialized team will be made up of personnel
trained in Palliative Care Medicine including
doctors, nurses, social assistants, occupational
terapist, psychologist, volunteers, health authority,
Catholic ministry and Priests.
As reported by
the Health World Organization, 80% of patients
in advanced stages of cancer die in intense suffering.
Palliative care appears in a concrete structure
in order to maximize the comfort and the quality
of life for those patients, allowing them to recover
their dignity.
what we see around us are terminally ill patients
confined in any available hospital bed, or even
in their own house, often abandoned and in deep
In countries like the United States, Canada, France,
Spain, England, etc. there are hundreds of palliative
care centres like Lo Tedhal.
Help us to change
this situation in Brazil. When you acquire the
Infallible Novena, you are contributing with Lo
Tedhal construction and maintenance.
We invite you
to participate on this adventure of love to our
"There are
men who combat one day and they are good. There
are men who combat one year and they are better.
There are men who combat many years and they are
much better. But there are men who combat during
the entire life…these are indispensable!"
Bertold Brecht
are indispensable to build this project!
This is
the LO TEDHAL maquette, the model of Therapy Center
for Pain Control and Palliative Care, which now
is turning into reality (see construction below).
Here the sufferers will receive the proper care
in order to receive back their dignity.
They will receive not only the relief for their
physical suffering but also psychological and
spiritual support.
TEDHAL ..."Do not be afraid"
This is what
we want to say to our patients:
“Do not
be afraid. We are with you. Here we are involved
in the Divine love, we supply our faith in Jesus
and the Virgin Mary, and we receive countless
Here we will
propagate the love...after all:
is no other toll to go to heaven other than a
ticket of love!"
(Mother Teresa of Calcuta)
will not ask how many things we did, but how much
love we put into our acts!” (Mother Teresa
of Calcuta)
help us to turn the Lo Tedhal into a reality!
wait for your donation.
Mary Undoer of Knots
Phone 1(905) 495-4614
e-mail: novena@maryundoerofknots.com