This Novena is known around the world…..and
can change your life.
Why a Novena?
Why nine days?
Mary stayed during
nine days surrounded by the apostles in the cenacle,
praying for the presence of the Holy Spirit.
In this persevering type prayer, She taught us
the constancy and ardour of faith, so that we
do not get discouraged when direct a petition
to God. The Mother of God prayed and gave courage
to the apostles to pray for the duration of nine
days, in order to receive the most important and
precious treasure for human life - The Holy Spirit.
We need to learn to persevere because it is written
in Ecclesiasticus 2,15-16, "Woe to them that
are fainthearted, who believe not God; Woe to
them that have lost patience" and James says,
"But ask in faith, never doubting, for the
one who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven
and tossed by the wind; for the doubter, being
double-minded and unstable in every way, must
not expect to receive anything from the Lord."
( James 1,6-8).
Prayer is man’s
strenght which shakes the heart of God because
“nothing is more powerful than a man who
prays” (St. John Chrisostomus) for they
are participating in God’s power.
James tells us again, “You ask and do not
receive, because you ask wrongly” (James
4,3) and St. Basil says, “If you have asked
and did not receive, is because you have asked
wrongly, with no faith or superficially or you
asked something you did not need or because you
have abandoned the prayer.”
“All graces we desire need to be asked through
Mary, She provides everything we need” (St.
Alphonsus Ligori). “All gifts, virtues and
graces are dispensed by Her hands to whom She
wants, when She wants and how She wants”
(St. Bernardin of Siena).
at the picture of Mary Undoer of Knots!

In this angelic
court, two angels stand out. One of them holds
on to a ribbon, the ribbon of our life, which
is full of knots big and small, loose and tight.
They are the knots of our life, the knots of anguish
and despair of separated couples, the dissolution
of the family, the knots of a drug addict son
or daughter, sick or separated from home or God,
knots of alcoholism, the practice of abortion,
depression, unemployment, fear, solitude, etc.
The good hearted
angel looks to our Queen and holding onto the
ribbon of our life, presents to Mary, the Undoer
of Knots and says, “We trust you, Mother;
You can help us. Undo, then, the knots of this
Then, Mary takes our life into Her compassionate
hands and with her long fingers of mercy goes
on to undo each knot, one after the other. Look
at Her. Feel the attention, love and tenderness
with which She does this, hearing our plea, the
supplication of a beloved child!
See what happens?
This ribbon becomes free of any type of knot,
reflecting all the mercy and freeing power of
the holy hands of Mary Undoer of Knots.
Another angel comes over, then, and taking the
ribbon of our life, freed of all knots, looks
at us and seems to say, “See what She did.
Look at what Mary, through her intercession can
do again. Trust Her, place your problems and afflictions
in Her hands!”
The power of this Novena is the unlimited hope
which through our faith we put in our Mother’s
What kind of mother would be insensitive to the
screaming pain of her son? This Novena opens Mary’s
heart ( compassionate and sensitive) to Her sons,
because She wants to reconcile them with Her Son.
“Who hath continued in his commandment,
and hath been forsaken? or who hath called upon
him, and he despised him? (Ecclesiasticus 2,12)
Because the constant increase in the number of
devotees to the Novena, we are convinced more
and more of the line in Saint Bernard’s
prayer: “Never was it known that anyone
who fled to Your protection, implored your help,
or sought Your intercession was left unaided.”
(St. Bernard).
is more powerful than a man who prays”
(St. John Crisostomus)
the Novena of Mary Undoer of Knots is
printed in 19 languages
and more than 1.7 million copies were
Novena has the Cardinal ecclesiastical
approval, receiving the "NIHIL OBSTAT
When you
buy the Novena, you are contributing towards
the construction and maintenance of the
“LO TEDHAL Hospital” which
is a Center of Therapy for Pain Control
and Palliative Care.
means, "Do not be afraid" (in
Aramaic, which is the language of Jesus).

"Banners on Sanctuary's
entrance expressing
the gratitude for graces received
from Mary Undoer of Knots"